Geode Travels to ETHDenver 2023

Geode Finance
Geode Finance
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2023


Trekking to the Ethereum Festival high up in the Rockies

Geode Finance co-founder, Simon Furlong, is on his way to Colorado to attend ETHDenver 2023.

Making Waves with Liquid Staking in Colorado

Branded as a “community-owned innovation festival”, ETHDenver 2023 promises to be an exciting gathering of entrepreneurs, developers, and crypto professionals from all around the globe. Organized by SporkDAO, the event is unique as it is wholly owned and funded by the DAO community. Event-goers can attend “#BUIDLathon” workshops hosted by a wide variety of blockchain innovators, listen to a diverse group of speakers from crypto and other industries, and capitalize on rare networking opportunities. In fact, ETHDenver prides itself on creating an inclusive and creative environment, with the website stating “ETHDenver is for more than just Devs, it is also for the Graphic Designers, Marketers, Project Managers and Business professionals.”

Created in 2021, ETHDenver is the first event based DAO in the world. The event not only serves as a place for people working in crypto to meet each other, and learn new skills, but also has the goal of giving value directly back to the community, by functioning as an incubator and launchpad to create year-round funding for projects. Furthermore, the festival also has another goal too; highlighting the Rocky mountain region, and the entire state of Colorado, as a thriving hub of Ethereum and blockchain innovation. Thus, the purpose of this unique event is to empower participants to shape the world of distributed computing, and ensure Colorado has a place at the forefront of that world.

ETHDenver 2023 touts a truly impressive list of speakers, representing a wide variety of different projects and companies. Headlining speakers include Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, and Ethereum co-founder and ConsenSys founder/CEO Joseph Lubin. As well as Willy Orgozaly from ShapeShift, Caitlin Long from Custodia Bank, Stani Kulechov from AAVE, James Young from Abridged, and the founder of ETHDenver, John Paller. The full list is quite extensive, touting many professionals from all around the worlds of blockchain, computer technology. This amazingly diverse group of speakers illustrates why ETHDenver is one of the can’t-miss events on the crypto-calendar.

A Unique Space for Networking

Networking and building in-person connections with industry peers are among the key draws for attendees at events like these. Given that this is an industry which relies heavily on digital communication, the chance to meet face-to-face is invaluable, and a single interaction can go a long way in advancing partnerships or investment opportunities. Moreover, those attending are often highly motivated to meet new people and conduct business, given that they have invested both their time and resources to participate in the event.

Geode has always valued attending crypto events for the opportunities they provide to showcase our unique liquid staking infrastructure solutions. This year represents an especially big opportunity for us to spread awareness and find potential partners, given that our Ethereum launch is imminent. So, we’re trying to meet with as many different people as possible, and help them discover all the ways Geode benefits projects, institutions, and node operators. Geode’s novel public & private pool approach to liquid staking means that we’re leading the charge in the fight against centralized staking. By using our unique liquid staking infrastructure, anyone is able to create a staking pool, improving overall validator diversity and lowering the barriers to entry.

An Unprecedented Liquid Staking Ecosystem

Geode’s public pools enable any organization to deploy their own fully-featured liquid staking solution, with total control over fees, the node operator used, and even the type of branded staking derivative they want to offer — or they can choose to offer no derivative at all! In addition to public staking pools, Geode offers fully private liquid staking for projects & institutions as well. Private pools only allow white-listed addresses to stake within them, and unlock exciting new use cases for staking. For example, with these private pools organizations can easily stake treasury funds, perform KYC/AML, or create exclusive staking pools. As all access to the pool is controlled by the owner, it means this type of functionality is possible.

Node operators also stand to benefit greatly with Geode. This is because the ecosystem we’ve built gives node operators an incredibly powerful way to gain stake under management. Ultimately, Geode is a marketplace for node operators & organizations, which gives these two entities a convenient way to find, and utilize each other’s services. Becoming a part of Geode’s infrastructure requires only a single integration — meaning once a node operator is part of our staking infrastructure, they’ll always have the opportunity to attract new stake to manage.

Network with Simon Furlong, Co-Founder of Geode Finance

With all the amazing benefits provided by our staking ecosystem, it’s no surprise Geode’s co-founder, Simon Furlong, is on his way to Denver to spread awareness and make new connections. If you’re interested in integrating with Geode, or you just want to know more about our liquid staking solution, come and speak with us! Simon will be in Denver from March 1st until the 5th for the conference, so if you’d like to get in touch to organize a meeting, you can reach him via email at, or over on the Geode Finance Discord Server (username Oranges#4049).

It’s Off to Denver!

We’re thrilled to attend ETHDenver 2023, and truly appreciate opportunities like this, that make it possible to meet with so many people from different corners of crypto and the globe. We encourage anyone to come talk with us! Perhaps you’re unsure about how Geode can help your particular project? Let’s chat! We’re delighted to meet and speak with as many people as possible, to show everyone how Geode is powering the future of liquid staking!

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Geode Finance
Geode Finance

Geode Finance is the missing piece to solve & decentralize the StakeFi puzzle with a non-custodial, trustless, & permissionless Liquid Staking solution.