Geode Partners with Saddle Finance

Geode Finance
Geode Finance
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2022



  • Geode Finance is partnering with Saddle Finance, providing Saddle with its own ETH2 staking solution
  • Saddle will be hosting a Twitter Spaces event 12pm PST Friday January 21st, 2022
  • Follow Geode & Saddle for more information

GEODE Finance’s objective of creating the liquid staking universe is only possible with partnerships that expand the reach of our ecosystem. That is why we are proud to announce our first partnership with Saddle Finance!

Saddle Finance is a decentralized AMM (automated market maker) specifically dedicated to swapping low-slippage pegged assets such as tokenized Bitcoin (wBTC/renBTC), and stable coins such as USDT/USDC/DAI. Saddle Exchange will have its own version of wETH2, offering Saddle users a new way to earn yield on their ETH. Saddle will be using Geode’s ETH2 staking solution to allow their users to stake their ETH. They will also be able to LP their Saddle-wETH2 in their liquidity pools for additional APY.

Saddle’s liquidity pool of ETH and Saddle-wETH2, through deposits from retail stakers, will facilitate transfers between ETH and wETH2 tokens within the geode ecosystem. You will be able to swap between different versions of wETH2 in the GeoDex, Geode’s liquidity pools.

This partnership will drive new users to Saddle’s pools, will drive revenue and will make Saddle Finance a cornerstone of the Geode liquid staking ecosystem, allowing users to swap between various wETH2 tokens and the base asset, ETH within the GEODE ecosystem.

GEODE brings ETH2 staking to Saddle Finance, adding value and additional yield to its users and investors. Finally, and most importantly, the creation of Saddle’s wETH2 token and their involvement in Geodes ecosystem signifies their dedication to their mission of continued decentralization of the Ethereum network.

Have questions? Saddle Finance will be hosting a Twitter Spaces event 12pm PST Friday January 21st, 2022. Follow @Geode_Finance and @saddlefinance on Twitter for more information.

We are excited to welcome Saddle to our ecosystem and provide this new value to our mutual users. Together, we can take Proof of Stake to the next level on Ethereum!

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Geode Finance
Geode Finance

Geode Finance is the missing piece to solve & decentralize the StakeFi puzzle with a non-custodial, trustless, & permissionless Liquid Staking solution.