Geode in Austin: Consensus 2023

Geode Finance
Geode Finance
Published in
5 min readApr 21, 2023


A massive crypto gathering in the capital of Texas.

Geode Finance co-founder Simon Furlong will be in Austin for the can’t-miss conference of the year.

Taking Liquid Staking to the Lone Star State

Geode’s conference journey continues, and now we’re setting our sights on Austin, Texas, for the world’s largest, longest-running, and most influential cryptocurrency gathering. Consensus 2023 is a pivotal event for professionals and builders seeking to educate, collaborate, and resolve challenges in the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem.

Attending influential events like Consensus 2023 is essential for Geode, as it allows us to demonstrate our state-of-the-art liquid staking infrastructure solutions to a wide audience. With our upcoming launch on Ethereum, this year’s event offers an unparalleled opportunity for Geode to connect with potential partners, developers, investors, founders, and brands, and expand our reach.

A Collaborative Environment

Events like Consensus 2023 are highly valued by attendees, as they provide the perfect environment for networking and establishing stronger connections within the industry. In a space where digital communication plays such a crucial role, the opportunity to interact face-to-face is invaluable. A single meeting at Consensus can propel partnerships or investment opportunities to new heights. Participants often arrive highly motivated to forge new relationships and conduct business, making the most of their time and resources spent attending the event.

This applies to us too of course, so we are aiming to meet with as many people as possible, in order to illustrate the various benefits that Geode can provide to projects, institutions, and node operators. Our public and private staking pool architecture enables these diverse entities to reap the rewards of liquid staking, and our quick integration process ensures a seamless start.

Consensus boasts numerous stages and events covering all aspects of the blockchain industry.

Unleashing the Potential of Liquid Staking

Geode’s fully customizable staking pools not only empower organizations with sustainable revenue streams, but also enhance validator diversity on the network. Furthermore, we give pool owners full control over their staking pool, thereby eliminating the third party risks associated with centralized staking solutions. Our adaptable public and private pool architecture allows pool owners to implement restricted access, set fees, or offer their own branded liquid staking derivative token — the choice is theirs.

Geode’s public pools enable organizations to deploy their own tailored liquid staking solution, complete with control over fees, node operators, and even their own branded staking derivative. They can also choose not to offer a derivative at all. Meanwhile, Geode’s private pools provide a more secure option for projects and institutions, where only whitelisted addresses can stake, opening the door to intriguing new use cases. Private pools allow organizations to stake treasury funds, perform KYC/AML, or create exclusive staking pools while retaining full control over access.

Geode brings staking yields to your community, and unlocks new revenue streams for organizations.

Node operators also stand to benefit from Geode’s ecosystem. Our marketplace connects node operators and organizations, allowing them to find and utilize each other’s services with ease. Once integrated, node operators remain a part of Geode’s staking infrastructure, continually offering them an excellent opportunity to attract new stakes to manage. In the end, Geode’s infrastructure benefits both node operators and organizations by providing a convenient and efficient way to work together.

Connecting with the Co-Founder

Geode’s co-founder, Simon Furlong, is looking to make new connections and showcase all the incredible advantages offered by our liquid staking ecosystem at Consensus 2023. If you’re interested in integrating with Geode or learning more about our liquid staking solution, don’t hesitate to reach out! Simon will be in Austin throughout the conference, and you can get in touch to schedule a meeting by emailing him at or reaching out on the Geode Finance Discord Server (username Oranges#4049).

Consensus 2023: Where Vision Meets Passion

Since 2015, CoinDesk, a leading news outlet covering cryptocurrency, digital assets, and the future of money, has hosted Consensus — an annual event that has grown to become the world’s largest, most influential blockchain gathering. Taking place at various locations in Austin, this year’s Consensus promises to be a powerful call to action, inviting developers, investors, policymakers, and others to unite and address crypto’s most complex challenges while unlocking its transformative potential.

Throughout the three-day event, attendees can immerse themselves in an extensive range of content across 10+ stages, encompassing all aspects of the crypto world, including Web3, the metaverse, and more. The agenda features a wide variety of events, such as traditional keynote speeches, a Web3 art gallery, and a crypto policy summit. Plus, Consensus 2023 introduces private workshops to tackle the industry’s most pressing issues head-on. At night, attendees can explore networking events, parties, live music, and much more.

Interact with a range of professionals shaping tomorrow’s digital world.

Consensus 2023 boasts an outstanding array of speakers from diverse organizations across the blockchain, finance, and tech sectors. This year’s event includes Daniel Alegre, CEO of Yuga Labs; Jeremy Allaire, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Circle; Christy Goldsmith Romero, Commissioner of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Eva Beylin, Director of The Graph Foundation; Sriram Krishnan, General Partner at a16z crypto; and Balaji Srinivasan, former Coinbase CTO and Founder of The Network State. The remarkable speaker lineup highlights the conference’s importance as a must-attend event for anyone involved in the blockchain space. The full list of speakers is immense and can be found on the Consensus website.

Consensus brings together an eclectic mix of voices, with speakers spanning the worlds of blockchain and beyond.

Rendezvous in ATX

We’re excited to be part of Consensus 2023 and welcome the opportunity to meet with professionals and enthusiasts from around the globe. If you’re unsure how Geode can benefit your specific project or organization, let’s chat! We’re eager to connect with as many people as possible to demonstrate how Geode is powering the future of liquid staking.

Want to learn more about Geode?

To participate in Geode’s community and stay up to date on the latest alpha, join our Discord. For the latest Geode developments follow us on Twitter, and for more educational content follow us on Medium. To use Geode, visit!



Geode Finance
Geode Finance

Geode Finance is the missing piece to solve & decentralize the StakeFi puzzle with a non-custodial, trustless, & permissionless Liquid Staking solution.